Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Protect America Act Unconstitutional

Andrew P. Napolitano, a FOX News legal analyst, writes an op-ed in todays Los Angeles Times claiming that the "Protect America Act" is unconstitutional.
The administration wanted, and Congress has begrudgingly given it, the authority to conduct electronic surveillance of foreigners and Americans without even a FISA warrant -- without any warrant whatsoever. The so-called Protect America Act of 2007, which expired at the end of last week, gave the government carte blanche to spy on foreign persons outside the U.S., even if Americans in the United States with whom they may be communicating are spied on -- illegally -- in the process.
I've always wondered why conservatives, who espouse a smaller, less intrusive, hands-off government, are willing to ignore such clearly unconstitutional laws simply because "their guy" is doing it.

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