Saturday, August 15, 2009

Misdirected Conservative Rage

Here is a post by conservative economist Bruce Bartlett at the Daily Beast.
Until conservatives once again hold Republicans to the same standard they hold Democrats, they will have no credibility and deserve no respect.


Brian said...

"Until conservatives once again hold Republicans to the same standard they hold Democrats, they will have no credibility and deserve no respect."

I'll flip it right back at you. Until liberals once again hold Democrats to the same standard they hold Republicans, they will have no credibility and deserve no respect.

Obama is abandoning the public option. He's abandoning the only semi-redeeming feature of his fake reform plan. And whose fault is that? According to liberals, it's the fault of the Republicans, the Party of No, the mobs trying to shut down town halls, the wing nuts tilting at windmills. It's not the fault of the party that has 60 pct. majorities in both houses of Congress. It's not the fault of the Messiah who promised Change We Can Believe In and consistently failed/refused to deliver.

The Dems promised us that things would be so much different if we simply gave them all the power. Liberals promised us they would hold Obama's feet to the fire.

I knew that was b.s. and I didn't believe it for a second. Now we're seeing it clear as day with his capitulation on the only semi-worthy part of his 'initiative.'

So here's my question: when are you and other self-described liberals and progressives going to hold Democrats accountable to the same degree you did so for Republicans?

Democrats are beholden to corporate interests to more or less the same degree as Republicans. If this fiasco doesn't make that clear, nothing will.

Brian said...

The Dems control the presidency and have 59-60 pct majorities in both houses of Congress. It's not the minority Republicans who killed the public option and have prevented the most sensible solution (Medicare For All/single payer) from being seriously considered. It's your sainted DEMOCRATS who are blocking these things. I'd say your rage and those of other liberals is as misdirected as the conservatives you villify.

PCS said...

Tell you what Brian, you produce a progressive candidate that has the slightest chance of winning NY23 and I'll be the first to support them and vote for them. Even you have to admit that some of the "sainted Democrats" as you call them are far from liberal, but I'd rather have them in the party than what currently passes for a conservative or Republican. I'm not real anxious to see the Democratic party become what the Republican party has become.