As you might expect, Mr. Delay links to such wonderful conservative websites such as Little Green Footballs, Michelle Malkin and Powerline. It's not really clear how much of the blog is actually written by Mr. Delay.....probably about 0%.
No one should imagine Mr. DeLay sitting in front of a computer monitor and keyboard, hunting and pecking as his Web site is updated each day. “I’m not a very good typist,” he said. “That would take me forever.” He readily acknowledged that he barely used the Internet, let alone a personal computer, before he got into this.That's really cool, he gets to "say it" without really "saying it".
“I write my thoughts down in longhand,” he explained of his blogging technique. “Someone else puts it in.” Whatever the process, he said, everything that finally appears on the Web site “reads the way I say it.”
I really don't understand what you're getting at here. So Mr. DeLay wants to have one of these newfangled "blog" things on the "internets" where he shares "his" "opinions" and links to "like minded" "websites." What's the difference, besides being too retarded to type things out himself, between The Hammer's "blog" and this one?
The difference is I write my blog and I own up to my opinions. The Bug Killer doesn't.
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