Monday, March 05, 2007


Yes, there is a GodTube! The Christian video sharing website. My favorite broadcasts are the "Chatting with Charley" series. Hear Charley explain why the earth is young and why evolution is nonsense. My favorite is when "Charley" tells us that evolution means that a rock can turn into a man and a mousetrap into a mouse. The key indicator of Charley's ignorance of evolution is when he keeps repeating that "evolution is by random chance". Specific mutations in DNA occur by random chance and provide genetic variation. But, natural selection is where those genetic variations are sorted out and chance is not involved. Charley also completely misunderstands the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. But we won't go there. Just google it for youselves to better understand the SLOT and whether evolution disobeys the SLOT.

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