Thursday, March 01, 2007

What is this anti-christian C.E. business?

Are you sick of all the anti-christian posts on Wikipedia? Sick of all the biased articles on Wikipedia? Then you need to use conservapedia! If you can get it to load. Get the truth on topics such as evolution and global warming now.

After you are done examining the workings of conservative intellectuals hop on over to CreationWiki! Frankly, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


Brian said...

The right wing smear machine has even targeted facts. What's next, a conservative dictionary? What's next to be accused of 'bias'? Oxygen?

Anonymous said...

These web sites make you want to puke. They sure don't let the facts get in the way of their beliefs. These cristofascists are intellectually lazy and would make anyone want to be an atheist.