Saturday, April 07, 2007

Henry, Dick and Doug

Anyone that is a fan of the tv series "Lost" knows that Henry, the leader of the "others", is a big liar. You can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

But an even bigger liar, and you can use the word liar now, is this man. The Vice President of the USA is still claiming that Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attacks on the USA.

We knew he was lying about this for quite awhile and he will probably go on lying about it. But the latest intelligence reports from captured Iraqi documents and "interrogations" of high level Iraqis provide even more evidence that VP Cheney's assertations are lies. Cheney should be impeached and this man,

Undersecretary of Defense Douglas J. Feith, who was described by Gen. Tommy Franks as "the dumbest fucking guy on the planet" should be in prison for helping Cheney dupe the Nation.

The CIA was not alone, the defense report emphasized. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) had concluded that year that "available reporting is not firm enough to demonstrate an ongoing relationship" between the Iraqi regime and al-Qaeda, it said.

But the contrary conclusions reached by Feith's office -- and leaked to the conservative Weekly Standard magazine before the war -- were publicly praised by Cheney as the best source of information on the topic, a circumstance the Pentagon report cites in documenting the impact of what it described as "inappropriate" work.

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