Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Can't Decide on Who Should Be President?

There is always John Taylor Bowles, "the white people's candidate".

He's educated....got an AS degree in "Applied Science".

He's got legal experience....as he's a certified paralegal and a notary public.

He's a good Nazi...

Became active as a National Socialist at age 16 years old in February 1974. Joined the National Socialist White People’s Party led by Matt Koehl, who was Commander Rockwell’s successor when he was assassinated in 1967. Between 1974 through 1977 assisted in the operation of a National Socialist headquarters/bookstore in Baltimore Maryland which sold pro-White literature to the general public. In 1975, was the campaign treasurer to Wolfgang Schrodt, who ran for City Council in Baltimore, Maryland and won the primary election. Mr. Schrodt was the first National Socialist to enter an American general election as a National Socialist. He received over 12% of the White vote. In 2003, switched membership from the New Order (formerly named NSWPP) and joined the National Socialist Movement (Jeff Schoep, Commander) and became the state organizer of Virginia.

He's got a plan to be put in place as soon as he's elected....
The very first thing I would do is sign an emergency Executive Order ordering all non-Whites to be respectfully transferred to their own racial homelands. Non-Whites would be reimbursed for their personal property and real property upon exiting the USA.
He's already a convicted felon, so he has that aspect of politics behind him.

Democracy is beautiful!


Sara said...


Anonymous said...

What does he plan to do with Native Americans, eh?

Beau said...

Haha. . .

Not a lot of people have associate degrees. I think he should definitely try again next time. I think people just didn't get the word that he was running for the presidency.