Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Fast Computer

Twenty years ago, when I was working at Cornell I remember sitting in on a dinner conversation where the disussion concerned building a computer that could operate at one teraflop. That is, 1 trillion floating point operations per second. Sun Microsystems has built a computer that operates at 504 teraflops beating IBM's BlueGene/L which runs at 327 teraflops.

Not to be outdone IBM has designed a computer capable of 3 quadrillion or 3 petaflops called BlueGene/P.
The 1-petaflop Blue Gene/P comes with 294,912 processors and takes up 72 racks in all. Hitting 3 petaflops takes an 884,736-processor, 216-rack cluster, according to IBM. The chips and other components are linked together in a high-speed optical network.

1 comment:

Don and Sher said...

Teraflop, petaflop sounds like some kind of dinosaur