Oh boy, I just found this half page advertisement in the Free Trader Today. The Saranac Lake Seventh Day Adventists are going to learn whether Darwin was wrong or not. They will do this by listening to 4 days worth of a video called "Out of Thin Air" narrated by Pastor Shawn Boostra of "It is written" TV fame.
Let's remember that members of the Seventh Day Adventists are evolved from those poor souls (Millerites) that went through the Great Disappointment (the earth was not destroyed in 1844). One awesome member of the SDA, Ellen G. White, was a theologian and prophet due to being hit in the head with a rock when she was nine years old.
So these are the people that are going to tell us whether Darwin was "wrong" or not. I can pretty much guess that they will conclude that Darwin was "wrong" because they believe the earth was created in six days. They also have that great research institute, "The Geoscience Research Institute" and publish that cool journal "Origins". Reading their "frequently asked questions" is also fun. I especially like the questions about the great flood and Noah's Ark.
I missed this post on Adirondack Almanack concerning the "Millerites" and our own local Stony Creek Carl who has calculated that the world will end around 2030.
Love those Adventists. No matter how many times they get it wrong about the end of the earth, they just keep claiming they're right.
I wrote a piece on our local Millerite Carl Thomas of Stony Creek who did some bible math and, lo and behold, figured out that the earth was going to end soon. Then proceeded to write the local newspapers to disparage folks concerned with global warming.
Link To The Local Millerite Story
thank goodness to Carl from Stony Creek, I'll try to send the next 23 years doing fun stuff ;)
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