Monday, December 17, 2007

Republican Presidential Candidates

Is there any conservative website out there that makes a convincing argument for electing any of these Republican bozos?

It seems like Mitt Romney might be the least nutty of the group if you leave out the fact of his nutty religious beliefs and that he has "flip-flopped" on just about everyone of his political positions he has held in the past. Mitt claims he hasn't flip flopped, so I guess that makes him a liar as well.

Maybe John McCain would have had a chance at the nomination if he hadn't become such a huge Bush ass kisser, but then again he also holds a position on immigration that conservatives just cannot support. He's also really, really old.

How about Rudy? It's unlikely that the fast talking New York City boy would be electable after all his moral positions have been shown to the voters. But then again, 9/11 has worked in the past. Will the rubes fall for it again?

Fred Thompson might be a viable candidate if only he could keep the voters (and himself) awake long enough to listen to him. Maybe if they played that "Law and Order" ching chung sound everytime he appears it would keep people awake.

That leaves Mike Huckabee. What is there to say about Pastor Huckabee? He's a likeable sort of guy. Doesn't seem to be mad at anyone. The fundamentalists seem to like him. He likes subservient women. Doesn't mind tax increases either. Too bad no one is willing to fund his campaign.

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