On the way back to the parking lot we stopped very briefly to meet local artist Tim Fortune of Small Fortune Studio. Our first scheduled visit was to the Adirondack Medical Center, the largest acute care general hospital in the Adirondack Park. Mike discussed several health care related issues with CEO Chandler Ralph including the problems with attracting physicians to rural areas, problems with government reimbursments and of course the rapidly escalating cost of health care.
Upon leaving the AMC we had a few minutes for an unscheduled visit with interim President Fred Smith at North Country Community College. After a brief tour of some of the campus buildings, we were off to a visit to Trudeau Institute.
Below is a photo of Mike being filled in, by scientist Brandon Sells, on the basics of fluorescent activated cell sorting. After a brief tour of the facility, Mike spent one and one-half hours discussing basic medical research issues with Trudeau Institute President Dr. David Woodland. One very important issue was the flat funding of the National Institutes of Health by the current administration and the effects that has on keeping research programs viable. One effect has been the loss of scientific talent from research communities.
Below is a picture of Mike, his wife Ann and Kristin Meadows of TI standing near the bronz Gutzon Borglum statue of the Institute founder Dr. E.L. Trudeau.
This was a very productive visit for Mike to learn about issues that affect the largest 'city' in the Adirondack Park - Saranac Lake and at the same time learn about health care and medical research issues that affect the entire country. I could see that Mike really enjoyed his visit and had a great time discussing issues that he care deeply about. Mike has promised to return to Saranac Lake and that next visit is in the process of being arranged.
Sorry, but your memory is rather short - I visited Saranac Lake in 1992 (my primay race then) and again in 1994 as the only DEM candidate against McHugh... perhaps your memory is short, but my visit was well-remembered. I would gladly come again if an escorted visit were arranged - after all, there are two DEMS in this race... just thought you'd like to know.
Nothing wrong with my memory, I was living in Wisconsin back then.
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