Monday, August 18, 2008

A Good Question

Do you support George Bush more than you did 4 years ago? John McCain does.


Watson said...

Nice hatchet job. The line about "we wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt" was hilarious.

As propaganda goes its pretty good. Making the connection between Bush and McCain is as apt as making the connection between Obama and Kerry, since he'll be going down to defeat just as Kerry did, only with a lot less experience and history than Kerry.

I can't honestly say that I'm overly enamored of the President in some respects, but I do appreciate his efforts in keeping this country safe. I know you hate him, your privelege, but hate seldom does one any good.

PCS said...

So, are you saying that McCain hasn't supported Bush for the last few years? Are the statistics in the ad wrong?

Seems to me, the whole world, not just Democrats, gave Bush the benefit of the doubt after 911.