Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Review of the "Imperial Presidency"

You can find a 487-page report which reviews the Bush presidency and possible illegal activities here (pdf file). The report was prepared for Rep. John Conyers and it recommends that an independent panel determine if any laws were broken by G.W. Bush. Will Bush finally be held accountable for something? In my opinion, it is unlikely. If there is an independent investigation, I hope they also investigate why Democrats let Bush get away with so much.


Anonymous said...

Those with Bush Derangement Syndrome will find all sorts of things to harp about for years to come. We need to be investigating Barney Frank, Chris Dodd et al for collapse of our financial institutions due to their social engineering and forcing banks to make loans to people who could never repay them. Duh!

Anonymous said...

The moronic monkey will be swinging from the trees of his Paraguayan estate if there is a hint of holding him accountable here. And the Paraguayans will never extradite him anywhere else.

The monkey will never face a judge for anything he's done. Nor will most of his cronies.

Anonymous said...

Those with Bush Derangement Syndrome will find all sorts of things to harp about for years to come. We need to be investigating Barney Frank, Chris Dodd et al for collapse of our financial institutions due to their social engineering and forcing banks to make loans to people who could never repay them. Duh!

Did you memorize this from the Rush show, or did you have to have someone read to you later? I can tell from this tripe that you are nowhere near smart enough to have written any of it down. Child Left Behind, right?

Anonymous said...

Jolly...why are you so unjolly. It is symptomatic of the far left to call names, be nasty etc. Not sure why, but you reinforce that notion. Hating Bush aside, why would you support what our fabulous Congress has done to get us into the financial mess we are in...and the same people are recommending ways "out" which seem to get us in deeper. I think any reasonable person would want to see that it doesn't happen again. And sorry, but I work, so I don't often hear what Rush or any of the other talkies have to say...I just would like to see America a freer, more prosperous country with less socialistic tendencies.