Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pledge to America - Who they talkin about?

"An unchecked executive, a compliant legislature, and an overreaching judiciary have combined to thwart the will of the people and overturn their votes and their values....."

The above statement sure does tug at the heart strings. But just who are they talking about? The Bush "unitary executive"; a Supreme court that gave us Bush vs Gore; a GOP majority that bribed its members on the House floor for votes; "the President is always right"? Need I go on?

Remember the broken promises made in the "Contract with America"? Was there a single promise that was kept in the so-called "contract"?

"We pledge to honor the Constitution as constructed by its framers and honor the original intent...."

Oh yeah, these are the nut jobs that are proposing to due away with a good deal of the Bill of Rights. These are the guys that think only they can tell us what was the original intent of the framers.

This Pledge is a joke and isn't worth the paper its written on. Unfortunately, it will sell well with a good proportion of Americans because they won't read it and they actually have forgotten about the failed "Contract with America" and the 8 disasterous years of GOP rule.

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