Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Flag Desecration Amendment

Hell yes I'm opposed to it. I guess I'm a dirty godless commie.

1. It really isn't a problem. When is the last time you walked down the street and saw someone burning the flag in political protest?
Professor Robert Justin Goldstein documented approximately 45 reported incidents of flag burning in the over 200 years between 1777 when the flag was adopted, and 1989, when Congress passed, and the Supreme Court rejected, the Flag Protection Act. About half of these occurred during the Vietnam War.

2. The Bill of Rights has never been restricted by a constitutional amendment in 212 years of our existence. This amendment starts chipping away at our right to free speech.

3. It's stupid. Ok, say the amendment is approved and becomes part of our constitution. Is burning a picture of the flag illegal? What if I order some American flags but on the bottom it says "this is not a flag"? Is burning that illegal?

The flag is only a symbol for gods sake. And, it's a symbol of our freedom. Freedom to burn the flag in political protest.


Brian said...

The flag burning amendment serves the same purpose as the anti-gay amendment. It's about creating an 'issue' out of nothing to fire up the base. It's an electoral strategy not a public policy proposal.

Anonymous said...

I made a pledge to take part in my first ever flag burning if this amendment passes.
