Sunday, February 24, 2008

Support Troops - Not George Bush

Sen. John Warner is incensed and shocked that someone told Barack Obama that troops in Afghanistan are not fully equiped, manned and supported by our Commander-in-Chief G.W. Bush. Why he is shocked is not really clear. It's not like Sen. Warner hasn't heard of this before.

Mike Breen, the person featured in the above ad had more to say.
During one operation in late summer 2006, a Marine infantry company I was working with found itself outnumbered in a steep valley, flanked on three sides by insurgents on the high ground (again, not enough troops to secure their own flanks). My artillery platoon fired in support of the Marines, and were able to drive the insurgents back long enough for the lead element of the company to pull back to safety and recover their wounded. Doing so used up most of my ammunition, and I immediately requested an emergency re-supply. The supply chain came through, moving the ammo I needed from Uzbekistan all the way to the nearest airfield in a matter of hours - but there the ammo stopped, because there weren't enough helicopters in Afghanistan to fly the rounds the last leg of their journey to my platoon in the field. So the ammo sat on an airfield less than 100 km away from my cannons for three days. In combat, that's a lifetime to wait for ammo. It sat there while the Marines were ambushed again, still trying to get out of the same valley, and it sat there while we ran out of ammunition trying to hold the insurgents off of their lead platoon.

The conservatives who discount these statements are more interested in supporting G.W. Bush than actually supporting our troops. That's not patriotism. It's not even nationalism. It's just supporting the failed policies and poor leadership of the worse US president ever.

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