Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin: Stupid or a Liar

Gov. Sarah Palin presented her red meat speech at the Republican National Convention last night. It's clear she has the right stuff to be the attack-dog VP candidate of the Republican party.

As for her speech, she made many "mischaracterizations". Did she do that because she is stupid or because she is just a liar. And not just a run-of-the-mill liar....she is an outright embarrassingly brazen liar. I don't think Palin is stupid. But I do think that Palin believes that most Americans are stupid and that she can get away with her lies.

You can read a dissection of her speech, complete with lies, here in a post called "Palin vs. Reality".

The funniest thing about Palin's speech, well actually all the speeches at the Republican National Convention is that they are seriously pretending that Republicans have not been in power for almost 8 years. Nope, ALL our problems are due to Democrats. Can't blame the Republican president, can't blame the 6 year long Republican congress, can't blame the conservative Supreme Court. Let's just pretend that Republicans had nothing to do with it. Republicans believe that the American people are stupid enough to believe those lies.

UPDATE: The NYT points out that if Republicans really believe in change, they need to run against themselves. Exactly what changes need to be made in a government that has been run by Republicans for almost 8 years? If it really needs changing, why didn't Republicans change it years ago?

Oh yeah, they also point out that the Mittster says
It’s time for the party of big ideas, not the party of Big Brother!
This from the party that brought us spying on Americans, torture and imprisonment without representation.

UPDATE: After listening to the Couric interview of Sarah Palin I have to change my mind. She is stupid.


"Screwy" Sarah Palin said...
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Anonymous said...

I have to applaud the Republicans for not claiming that Palin's daughter is pregnant through divine/virgin conception. McCain-Palin could have sealed their victory in November then and there. It would have been like Bush destroying his rivals in the 2000 Iowa Republican debate by saying that Christ was his favorite political philosopher.

Anonymous said...

I also found this amusing... It's the f*ck Palin facebook page: