Thursday, November 03, 2005

Julia in Kenya

Today is the last day of classes for Julia. In the next day or so she heads for Kisumu where she will be working at Covenant Home, an orphanage. Julia finally sent us a couple pictures out of the hundreds she has taken.


Julia talking to people who carry sticks.


Um I'm no expert, but should you really get so close to a rhino? I guess she was with experts when she took this picture, so Ok.


Julia and her classmates near a Baobob tree. I guess the 'lorry' in the background is their major means of transport. Julia is 5th from the left (standing). Only 16 students in this semesters class. Next semester has 30 students.

1 comment:

B-Wizz said...

That's a fine lookin' rhino. Does the red face paint mean that the people with sticks are Masaai? Not as tall as I would have thought...