Monday, July 10, 2006

NY State Opposes Same Sex Marriage

Ok fine. But what is the reasoning behind this decision?
“Intuition and experience suggest that a child benefits from having before his or her eyes, every day, living models of what both a man and a woman are like.”
It will hurt the children. So kids currently living with gay parents get the message. You don't have real parents. How is this message good for these children?

UPDATE: Warning! I am not a journalist and I try very hard not to be a plagiarist. Sometimes when I'm in a hurry I take shortcuts. The above was a short-cut. It is an actual excerpt from the NY State Court of Appeals and you can find it here. I am not saying the ruling is necessarily wrong. I am saying that that particular statement is outrageous. I agree that our cowardly legislators should get off their big lazy behinds and vote on whether NYS is going to allow equal rights for all or not.

Given the current state of affairs in this Country I believe that people are more intolerant than ever and are even basing their intolerance on so called Christian religious principles. 50% of the people in this country don't give a damn about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. They actually are afraid of the freedoms that our Constitution guarantees. GW Bush said the terrorists hate our freedoms. So do almost half the people in this country. Allow torture, allow confinement forever based on GW's ok, allow Americans to be spied on without Congressional oversight, take away freedoms of speech, allow our government to become a theocracy. Tell me how this differs from the Taliban and Wahhabists?

Yeah, I'm not a journalist nor do I want to be. I'm a godless, pinko communist (thanks to a catholic school upbringing and a liberal arts education). I just want to rant about things I don't like. It helps me keep somewhat sane.


Sara said...

OMG don't get me started on this one!

All I will say is that I think I turned out just fine . . . who would ever know that my dad's gay? Took all of us close to 20 years to find out.

ALL that matters is that your parents love & support you, their sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with it!!!!!!!!! I can list off too many straight parents who should not be allowed to breed.

"living models of what both a man and a woman are like" so just let your child go to school & this will happen - UGH, this gets me so pissed off

Brian said...

This would've worked better if you'd provided a link to the original. Or at least mentioned where you took it from. If it came from the Court of Appeals, it would be quite a bit different than from some random far right group.

Brian said...
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Brian said...

I know you're not a journalist. I just meant if you provide attribution (at least the name, if not the link), it makes the piece more credible if there's a source. Usually you write about stuff you've read in the paper or heard somewhere anyway.

Plus, it was a good observation and I wanted to write about it in my blog. The fact that it comes from the Court of Appeals makes it far more absurd than your ordinary far right bigots. So the attribution makes the comment even more compelling.

Brian said...

I wasn't criticizing you. I just wanted to know where you got it from so I could write about it too!

PCS said...

I didn't really take it as a criticism Brian. It just made me realize that sometimes I can be too lazy. I always appreciate your comments!

Brian said...

Yea, one time about 13 years ago (back when email listservs served some of the functions that blogs do now), i got in some hot water for posting something i thought i read somewhere. ever since then, if i'm quoting something else, i'm very careful to at least mention who said it or where i read it. that way if there's a problem, they can blame someone else.

Sara said...

sorry I was not upset with you either Pete, just a close to home topic that seems to get my goat every time it gets mentioned. I'm glad you posted about it, gave me a good blog topic!