Thursday, January 18, 2007

Conservatives - Right On

Excellent post about conservative beliefs and philosophy here. I especially like the part about the glorious 50's, about halfway down the post.
Conservatives don't care. They hate the present, they fear the future. The past is their only refuge, and for all its uglinesses, at least one thing about it is inarguable: white men were in charge. White men could do anything they wanted. White men ran the world. They could grab the secretary's ass and beat up any faggot they came across with impunity. Niggers and spics kept to their places, by God. And everybody wished everybody else a Merry Christmas and they damned well liked it, too.


B-Wizz said...

Well that's rather one dimensional, don't you think? And I thought liberals were a group of people who were accepting of others and wouldn't *dare* to stereotype any other group of people.

PCS said...

That's a rather expected conservative comment. If you disagree with the essay, how about pointing out specific areas in essay with which you disagree.

B-Wizz said...

While I do know plenty of conservatives that opposse gay marriage (I still can't figure out why), and might perhaps get overly worked up about the idea of "the Mexicans stealin' our jobs." I don't know very many that sit around wishing for the good old days when naturalized people of color and women were oppressed, and I certainly don't know of many conservative women who pine for the days when secretarial ass-grabbing was the national sport. To simplify things down to wishing for the days when white men ran the world is just too easy.

I half thought that you had posted this tongue in cheek, but I guess I was wrong. And I think that it's every bit as asinine as the conservatives that try their hardest to saddle liberals with any outlandish notion they can think of.

While I'm sure that there's some enclave of wierdly Christian, or Klanish, conservatives, that would probably wholeheartedly, and proudly, agree with everything written here, I get the feeling that the majority of people don't deal in absolutes. I'm certainly sick of hearing people from both sides of the fence that do deal in absolutes, and seem to think that anyone who doesn't do likewise is wrong.

PCS said...

The only conservatives I know well are those in my family. I think the article hits the nail square on the head.

B-Wizz said...

The two big topics that most of the conservatives I know - myself included - complain about is taxes and welfare.

PCS said...

Yes, because they are afraid someone is getting something they don't deserve. Damn welfare queens. Why don't they make their children go out and work.

B-Wizz said...

Well, yeah, I'll admit that a lot of my family bitches about wellfare queens, but any rational person knows that corporate wellfare is responsible for far more wasted dollars than any number of mothers.

As far as taxes, my real comlpaint is that we should be allowed to see exactly where every cent we pay goes, and have a better system of approving where that goes. Before you beat me too it, I do realize that the current conservative politicians have failed exceedingly well at spending tax dollars wisely, avoiding pork barrel payouts, and allowing the common citizen any say in how money is soent or often even any knowledge of where its going. This is, however, one of the reasons I left Washington state without looking back, and in that particular area it was brought about by policies largely put into place by elected democrats.