Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Catholic League

I'm not a very good Catholic although I attended 12 years of Catholic school. But this really gets my goat. The Catholic League meddling in presidential election politics.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue called on John Edwards to fire Melissa McEwan today:

“It is not enough that one foul-mouthed anti-Christian bigot, Amanda Marcotte, has quit. Melissa McEwan must go as well. Either Edwards shows her the door or she bolts on her own. There is no third choice—the Catholic League will see to it that this issue won’t go away.

“The Edwards campaign is in total disarray and the meltdown will continue unless McEwan is removed from his staff. The fact that Marcotte had to quit suggests that Edwards doesn’t have the guts to do what is morally right. He has one more chance—fire McEwan now.”

Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, wouldn't know Catholic values if the Pope whispered them into his ear. Donohue, BTW, is the guy going around defending and making excuses for the clerical pedophiles. You see it was the boy's fault that they got molested. Mr. Donohue was also kind enough to point out that ONLY .02% of catholic priests were involved in molesting children in 2005. Shouldn't it be 0%?

Bill Donohue is a big, fat, slob and if there is a hell he will probably rot there.

1 comment:

A Big Fat Slob said...

"Bill Donohue is a big, fat, slob"

-- well, lots of people have tried guessing who I am, but, I can safely say, I am NOT Bill Donohue!