Tuesday, February 13, 2007

War with Iran?

It sure looks like excuses for war with Iran are being sought. Sort of another "Gulf of Tonkin" to rile up the American populace. The sad thing is, I doubt the current members of Congress have the cohones to stop any "preventive action" that the "Decider" might take against Iran.

Will the American people fall for Bush's "you better be scared" tactics again? Bush once said "Fool me once shame on ...." well anyway he screwed that one up too. But he was wrong when he said fool me twice can't get fooled again. I think there is a segment of the US Congress and the American public that can easily be fooled again. We fight them over there or we fight them on our shores. The same kind of talk we heard during the Vietnam War. Nothing has changed.

Is Iran the only country supplying aid to Iraq? I doubt it. Iran is made up of Shia muslums and obviously has an interest in helping the Shias. Saudi Arabia is likely helping the Sunnis, at least with financial backing because the Saudis are Sunni. US arms are ending up in the hands of militants also.

The scare talk about Iran has been going on for years. "Cherry picked" intelligence is now starting to arrive and the Carrier Stike groups are in place.

We have at least two Carrier Strike groups in the region right now. Each strike group consists of an aircraft carrier with its complement of ~90 aircraft and at least one crusier, two destroyers and one attack sub. Each cruiser carries about 125 vertically launched missles, each destroyer about 90 missiles. That's over 600 missiles total and that doesn't count the 60 or so attack aircraft available to drop bombs.

Unfortunately, Congress seems reluctant to reign in the "Decider". It might hurt someones chances of being re-elected.

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