Wednesday, December 26, 2007

North Country Intelligent Design Gadfly

There was another dumb letter to the Editor in the same issue of the Glens Falls Post Star in which Ron Blachut's letter was published. This letter was by one Ron Cote, a man who travels the internets attempting to 'save' people who are blinded by belief in evolution.

In this letter we learn that the Columbine High School murders were due to the teaching of "Darwinism" by which he presumably means evolution.
We need to heed Eric Harris’ message. He was a serious devotee and student of Darwinism. At Columbine on that fateful day, his sweatshirt read "Natural Selection" sending a clear message of the significance of that evolutionary tenet as he and his accomplice massacred 16 people. The significance, relationship or correlation seems never to have been made between his message and the horrific act.
It's really no wonder that children in the North Country can't wait to leave the area when they graduate high school.

I encourage people, who do not understand evolution, to go to this website at UC Berkeley. It will take some time, but first read throuhg Evolution 101 to learn what is evolution and how it works. Then read through the Evidence for Evolution which many evolution deniers say does not exist. Finally, read a few articles on "How Evolution Impacts Your Life". Last but not least, arm yourself against creationist claims by going here and choosing your weapon (or reason based on evidence).

Don't want to do all that reading, then if you have a couple of hours listen to Ken Miller.

Don't want to spend a couple of hours listening to Ken Miller talk about evolution? Then listen to this very informative 3 minute video on why no one will ever convince an anti-evolutionist that they are wrong.


Brian said...

well let's be fair. the existence of George W. Bush is enough to make anyone skeptical of evolution.

Anonymous said...

I highly recommend the Chicago Field Museum's Evolution exhibit. Hard to imagine anyone going through that and still remaining unconvinced by the overwhelming evidence. But then again, I haven't been to the wonderful new "Creation Museum."