Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dishonorable John McCain

I like this from Jay Bookman at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
In a new TV ad, McCain claims that Obama has been making attacks on Sarah Palin that have been labeled “completely false” and “misleading” by

Except FactCheck says that’s a lie. “We said no such thing. We have yet to dispute any claim from the Obama campaign about Palin,” the group states.

That’s really something, lying straight out about a FactCheck group, knowing that you’re going to get caught but not giving a damn about it.

With stuff like this, the McCain camp has cut any remaining tethers to reality and integrity and is now floating wherever the winds of illusion and whimsy may take them. It’s quite remarkable, and quite insulting to the intelligence of the American people.
John McCain knowingly spews lies that he knows are going to be found out and he just doesn't give a damn.

Another point, we can assume that John McCain has completely forgotten the honor system at Annapolis. It is a bit sad to see this man give up any bit of honor he ever had.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm, err, I've been clear on this all along ah uh um, as I've said before oh ahhhh errrr. My record clearly shows that I was for eh um er this umm before I was ah.... look its a pig in ah er um lipstick.

Compiled from various quotes of Barack Obama. Theres a man I want talking for the US of A.!!!!!!!!