Monday, September 15, 2008

McCain the Maverick

Why doesn't John McCain talk in more specifics about when he used to be a maverick? Maybe because all those issues in which he played the maverick were liberal issues that pissed off conservatives.

Joining Russ Feingold in writing Campaign Finance Reform legislation - conservatives hated it.

Joining Al Gore in fighting Global Warming - conservatives hated it.

Joining with Ted Kennedy in writing decent immigration legislation - conservatives hated it.

Siding with Democrats and voting against Bush tax cuts - conservatives hated it

While we can still mention the words McCain and maverick in Republican circles, we surely don't want to remind them exactly what made him a maverick at one time.


Anonymous said...

You are so correct. That is why I love John McCain. He should have been in charge for the last eight years, the morons in charge of the GOP deigned little georgie to be their boy.

We need more people to put party last and country (not special interests, not the NEA, not the SEIU, not the community organizers) first. Long live McNasty.

Anonymous said...

McSame the Ford Maverick!

Like his friend Liberman, who also sold his soul to the devil. McSame is not the same McSame he was before.
He has sold himself out and if elected he will sell out America as well. My mother always said watch what they do not what they say. His campaign is full of lies and distortions. His promises are exactly the same as Bush's back in 1999. Find Bush's campaign promises with your search engines, and explain to me how McSame's promises are different.

PCS said...

I agree that the country might be better off today if the 2000 version of John McCain won the Presidential election that year. But the John McCain, version 2008, is not even close to being the same person. He has lost whatever honor he ever had.